Best Electric Scooter


TZ comes with different classification like our other variants so it is quite suitable by which it is different to our other models of scooters. As this comes with a longer seat and big body which allows you to have a comfortable kind of ride.


TZ comes with different classification like our other variants so it is quite suitable by which it is different from our other models of scooters. This comes with a longer seat and a big body which allows you to have a comfortable kind of ride.

Let’s take a step towards a pollution free environment.

Product Performance

TZ comes with a motor power of 250W and a motor voltage of 60/72V which results in the better performance of the vehicle.It can take 10-12hrs to fully charge which can run it to 65-70 km. It also comes with a drive type as a Hub motor.A hub drive directly applies torque to the wheel, operating independently of your bike’s gears.


10-12 HOURS

Per Charging Time


65-70 KM

Per Charge Range


60/72 V

Motor Voltage

Teaser specification

Why You should buy it

When one thinks of an electric scooter, one worries about affordability, range and battery life. With our TZ model, one can glide through the distance with a companion, emission-free & anxiety free. Made for India,TZ – The Serene Ride.